How can managers lead if they haven't been trained in HUMAN performance?
Being successful in business is becoming increasingly complex and a leaders job needs to be focused on create great teams that do amazing work.
“The role of the manager, in short, is becoming that of a coach.”
– Harvard Business Review, 2019.
Our training programs

Flow Coaching Workshop
"I want my team to have an introduction to Coaching and Flow."

Flow Leadership Workshop
"I want to improve leadership across the business to inspire HUMAN performance."

Manager to Coach Program
"I want my managers to learn coaching skills that will unlock performance."

High-Performance Team Program
"I have a team that we want to be high performing."

The Flow Code
We have spent decades culminating the latest scientific research and insights working with elite professionals to find the systemic code that enables all professionals to be their best.
We have used this code to help athletes become World Champions, surgeons to thrive through 20hr operations, students to enjoy exams, and leaders to optimise the performance of their team.
Let us take you through our unique code and proven process so that you can develop the specific drivers, values, and leadership principles that foster and facilitate flow.

Can you afford not to?
When a workforce is in flow, people are eager to perform more effectively resulting in better output and customer relationships and turnover.
When individuals are in flow, their abilities are amplified, productivity rises, creativity emerges, challenges are embraced, and stress is buffered. Moreover, loyalty to the company and relationships improve as they become facilitators to the satisfaction and personal excellence felt in flow
43% more productive when the workforce is engaged

Authority on Flow Coaching

For over twenty years we have been researching, practicing, and coaching flow principles. We pioneered the profession of Flow Coaching and continue to set the industry standards.
Practical Expertise

We have coach athletes to become World Champions, enabled flow in a wide variety of organizations, and worked with leaders to develop flow leadership in practice.
Coaching Experience

We walk the walk. Our trainers, facilitators, and guest speakers, all work in the field as experts. We train you as if you were our own coach.
Team Support

We aim to support you for all your ongoing needs as a coach or flow leader. Join our network of flow graduates and enjoy supervision, mentorship, individual and group coaching.
Work Opportunity

We are growing and looking for active coaches and flow leaders to help us deliver work. Deliver flow workshops, facilitate groups, and coach.
Stay up-to-date

Research and practice is always changing and evolving. Once a Flow Centre Coach, we ensure you are kept informed of the latest practices and tools.
Executives are 5x more productive in flow
McKinsey & Company
Increase in athlete results
Flow Centre
Increase in creative problem solving
University of Sydney
Increase in learning
and skill acquisition
United States Airforce